Singing Bowls, What Are They For And What Are Their Benefits

Holding Singing Bowl

I have enjoyed the benefits of singing bowls for years. My meditation teacher introduced me to this therapy during a guided meditation session, and I was certainly impressed by the effect it had on my body. I have several different sizes and materials. It is worth the investment and the better the quality, the greater the contribution it makes as its sound is more intense.

Sometimes I take advantage and bring them to yoga classes, meditation and Reiki sessions, to share the benefit with my students and clients. Because this therapy really works for all ages.

Here I explain why they are a contribution to your physical and emotional well-being in case you have wondered what they are for.

It is an ancient practice that serves as vibrational therapy, helping the body achieve a greater state of relaxation through the sound that emanates, producing waves and providing great benefits to the body.

Singing Bowl nacanYoga + wellness

Among its many benefits are, it helps with the alignment of the chakras or our energy fields, stimulates blood circulation, helps to relieve pain in the joints, reduces physical and mental stress, helps eliminate toxins, and strengthens the immune system.

The one I presented here in the photo is handmade by a craftsman from Nepal. It is 100% authentic, so the sound it emits is beautiful, intense, and super relaxing.

I invite you to enjoy its benefits.

Lots of light

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